Friday, August 4, 2023

5 Precautions to Prevent Knee Pain


5 Precautions to Prevent 

Knee Pain

As the largest joint in your body, Knee Pain has been the second most common pain that people 
of almost all ages suffer from. Are you experiencing mild pain and are seeking Knee Pain relief or 
even want to avoid future knee injuries? Well this article is for you.
We believe prevention is the best treatment, and that’s why we’ve compiled some effective 
precautions to help you live your life to the fullest. But what can be the cause of your 
Knee Pain in the first place? Keep reading to know more!

Knee Pain Causes

From a simple ache to symptoms of swelling, popping and instability, anyone can experience Knee Pain at some point in their life. If you’ve ever experienced Knee Pain, you will find it hard to perform even the simplest activities like walking, kneeling or even getting in and out of the car.
Many knee problems are a result of the aging process. However, causes of Knee Pain vary from one person to another. It is sometimes caused by an acute injury or multiple wrong consecutive motions that stress the knee over time.
The most common Knee Pain reasons include inflammation caused by:
  • Incorrect heavy weight lifting
  • Skipping warm-ups before a working out
  • Structural knee issues, such as arthritis
  • Strains or Sprains, which are minor ligament injuries which are usually caused by sudden twisting

Knee Pain Risk Factors

There are some other factors that can increase your risk of experiencing Knee Pain. These factors could be:

Excess weight increases stress on your knee joints, even when performing simple daily activities such as walking, bending, kneeling or climbing the stairs. Obesity also accelerates the breakdown of your joint cartilage which puts you at an increased risk of osteoarthritis
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Now that you know the reasons behind Knee Pain, here are some effective tips to help you protect your knee joints as you age:

If you have a lack of flexibility or strength, this increases your risk of experiencing a knee injury. While on the other hand, strong & flexible muscles help you protect your joints and achieve better mobility
Sports that require constant running, jumping and falls might have great stress on your knees, which can increase your risk of a knee injury. Likewise, jobs that require heavy stress on the knees such as construction can lead to injuries.
Having a previous injury in your knee makes you more prone to future injuries.

1. Shed Those Extra Pounds

Your knees are the biggest, strongest joints in your body. A study proved that your knees bear 80% of your weight when standing and even more when you are walking. That’s why your weight is highly linked to your Knee Pain.

But what if you are only a few kilograms to your ideal weight? In this case, you need to talk to your Knee Pain doctor about the best course of action. Your doctor will be able to assess and provide you with a solution that is most compatible with your lifestyle.

Easy Tips For Losing Weight

  • Try to make your lunch instead of eating out
  • Eat smaller portions
  • Fill your tummy with more fibers & vegetables
  • Drink water half an hour before eating
  • Drink more water throughout the day

2. Exercise Your Knee

Dietary choices and exercises go hand in hand for less Knee Pain. As long as you choose an exercise that has less impact on your joints, you will help keep your knees healthy.
The right exercises aid in strengthening your knee joint, which supports your resistance to strains and injuries. And here are some simple exercise recommendations:  

3. Warm Up Before Exercising

Whether you’re going to finish a killer workout, play with the kids or help a friend move some heavy items into their home, you will always need to loosen up your muscles and joints. The best way to know you have warmed up enough is to feel a sense of gasp for air after repeatedly moving your legs and arms for a period not less than 5 min. A good warmup is definitely one of the easiest ways to avoid injury.
Furthermore, a dynamic warm-up can help activate your central nervous system, preparing your muscles for a great workout where you would give your best effort. Likewise, improved blood circulation is one of the benefits of warming up, which will help you perform well in each exercise.

4. Practice New Moves

If you experienced a knee injury in the past, you should definitely consider learning and practicing new exercises or routines! You’ll avoid repeated knee injury if you vary your activities instead of doing the same exercise with the same frequency. For example, you might swim today, work out the other day, go for a walk the day after, and so on.

5. Strengthen Your Muscles & Improve Your Balance

Weak muscles are sometimes the main cause for knee injuries. As discussed earlier, stretches are important to loosen those tight muscles. But also strengthening muscles is key for an improved range of motion. Needless to say that building up your quadriceps and hamstrings highly contributes to the balance and stability of your knees, which eventually helps you achieve less stressful and less painful movements.


Following a healthy diet, maintaining healthy weight and having strong muscles all contribute to the prevention of Knee Pain. However, if you have ever had a knee injury that you want to recover from, or you just need to soothe away some aches, Physiowell has some of the best knee pain doctors in Dubai who are always willing to help! Interested? Contact Physiowell and Get Your Consultation now.

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