Herniated, bulging, and
‘slipped’ discs
In my time as a chiropractor both at Physiowell in Dubai and in my previous positions abroad,
one of the most common ailments that I’ve seen is a well-known condition informally known as a
Whether it be elite South African rugby players at the height of their game, casual gym goers,
or even the elderly, the main source of their localized back pain and subsequent symptoms stem
from this condition.

What is a ‘slipped disc’?
Let’s do a quick dive into what exactly a ‘slipped disc’ is. Basically, your spinal column is made up of
a stack of 24 vertebrae, and between each of these lies a disc made of a soft, gelatinous substance
surrounded by a strong exterior. Discs are designed to cushion impact and act as a shock absorber
for your spine.
Sometimes, these discs can tear or become inflamed, causing the jelly-like substance to leak out or
protrude, this is what we call a ‘slipped disc’. A full tear and leak is called a herniated disc,
and an inflammation of the disc is called a bulging disc, however the common term
‘slipped disc’ is colloquially used as a blanket layman term for these.
Symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and depending on how far up the spine the
‘slipped disc’ is located. Symptoms can include localized pain, a tingling sensation and/or numbness
in the legs and arms, and even involuntary bowel movements in extreme cases. This all stems from
the substance leaking and resting on the sensitive nerves that run throughout your back.
If you feel any of these symptoms, it’s vital that you get a professional to check them out as soon as
possible to avoid future complications.
It’s important to note that disc material degenerates as we age, it’s just a fact of life. However,
a single strain or injury at any point in life can cause a “slipped disc”, especially if you play sports
and are active.
As we age, even a minor injury from a twisting motion of the spine i.e. twisting and picking up
laundry from the ground can cause a “slipped disc”. At Physiowell, our chiropractors and
physiotherapists deal with countless instances, all with varying underlying causes.
It is also important to note that some people may be more vulnerable to disc issues and,
as a result, may suffer ‘slipped discs’ in several places along the spine. Research has also
shown that people with a family history of ‘slipped discs’ are more likely to have the same problem.
It’s important to note that disc material degenerates as we age, it’s just a fact of life. However,
a single strain or injury at any point in life can cause a “slipped disc”, especially if you play
sports and are active.
As we age, even a minor injury from a twisting motion of the spine i.e. twisting and picking up
laundry from the ground can cause a “slipped disc”. At Physiowell, our chiropractors and
physiotherapists deal with countless instances, all with varying underlying causes.
It is also important to note that some people may be more vulnerable to disc issues and,
as a result, may suffer ‘slipped discs’ in several places along the spine. Research has also
shown that people with a family history of ‘slipped discs’ are more likely to have the same problem.
Can a “slipped disc” heal itself?
In short, yes. At Physiowell, patients have experienced herniated disc healing thanks to
expert treatment and care from myself and my team of Dubai-based chiropractors and
The average time taken to heal is four to six weeks and can even get better in a few days
depending on how severe the condition is and where it occurred in the spine.
Chiropractors and “slipped discs”
As I said, the main injury I help people manage and overcome at Physiowell is ‘slipped discs.
As a chiropractor, I can help address pain and other symptoms that stem from the condition.
I’ll take a look at the patient’s medical history, conduct a physical exam and perform a host of
orthopedic and neurological tests to fully assess the severity of the “slipped disc”,
or if the symptoms are a result of that.
At Physiowell, we develop bespoke chiropractic treatment plans catered to the individual needs
of patients here in Dubai.
From spinal manipulation (known as adjustments) to stretching, therapeutic exercises,
and manual therapy, there are a ton of techniques us chiropractors can do to help you live your
best life. Rest assured that at Physiowell, we’ll get you back on track!
Call us to book an appointment today on +9714 269 2121
Are chiropractors good for herniated discs?
First of all, chiropractic for herniated discs is a legitimate, regulated,
and approved form of treatment. Chiropractors have to go to college and pass exams to be
eligible to practice.
The average chiropractor will receive about 4,600 hours of medical school education before they
can take their certification exam and become licensed.
All of the professionals who work for Specific Care Chiropractic are experienced chiropractors,
who have treated thousands of patients for the same condition as yours.
Herniated Disc Chiropractor and Risk Factors
If you go to a hospital, they will tell you that a herniated disc can be fixed with surgery. However,
for many people, this is a risky option.
They may be allergic to the anesthesia used during surgeries. They may have pre-existing
conditions that make any type of surgery excessively dangerous Or, the patient simply may not
want to undergo such an invasive medical procedure.
That is why chiropractic for herniated discs is recommended for these patients.
It is a completely safe and non-invasive treatment option. The chiropractor only uses his hands.
There are no drugs or incisions involved.
Chiropractic for herniated discs is a totally
transparent process
Your chiropractor will communicate with you at every step of the healing process.
You will be asked to provide progress reports (say how you feel if you notice any improvement)
and the chiropractor will explain in clear and simple terms what the treatment plan consists of.
Our specialists encourage all patients to ask questions when something is unclear.
Our goal is to help you feel better and return to your life before the injury or condition
that caused your herniated disc.
Also, if your painful condition was caused by a workplace injury or car accident -God forbid-,
the chiropractor will provide you with the best precautions to avoid further complications.
At Physiowell, we develop bespoke chiropractic treatment plans catered to patients'
individual needs here in Dubai.
From spinal manipulation (known as adjustments) to stretching, therapeutic exercises,
and manual therapy, there are a ton of techniques we chiropractors can do to help you live
your best life. Rest assured that at Phsyiowell, we’ll get you back on track!
Call us to book an appointment today at +9714 269 2121
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